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W wyniku uszkodzenia glownego kabla spora czesc Los Angeles jest bez pradu, co spowodowalo tez zaklocenia w pracy Data center gdzie stoi nasz serwer. Z tego powodu Forum jest chwilowo nieosiagalne.

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Oryginalna wiadomosc

September 12, 2005 1:50PM PST

City of LA - Power Failure

A portion of the city of Los Angeles is currently experiencing a power failure. This has affected our LA Data Center causing server outages. All measures are being taken to restore power as quickly as possible. We will be posting updates every 15 minutes.

2:05PM Update - The city of LA is at this time investigating the cause of the power loss.

2:20PM Update - Reports are coming that power has begun to be restored to the LA area.

2:35PM Update - Power is being restored to the affected areas and currently there is an estimated 1 hour time of resolution.

2:50PM Update - No changes since the last update.

3:05PM Update - We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

3:20PM Update - No changes since the last update.

3:35PM Update - No changes since the last update.


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Serwer jest juz online. O tym jak robotnicy przecieli koparka jeden z glownych kabli zasilajacych los Angeles przeczytacie pewnie rano w wiadomosciach.



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