Anyone heard of BRL-CAD?

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It's supposed to be a well-developed open-source solid modeling package.

I was wondering if anyone here has any mileage with it, and their impressions.

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Tim Wescott
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I have seen it: downloaded it, even. But I haven't tried it seriously, as yet.

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David R Brooks

I've been watching for it to be offered as a zip file. The

2006 Windows version used the bastard MSI installer which isn't allowed on my computer. I can hack the package apart but it uses a zillion files/directories which I gave up trying to sort out. I asked if they could make it available as a zip archive, they thought that was a good idea but didn't have anyone willing to sort it out.

Hmm... just took a look and see that they finally got around to offering a new Windows build. May have to try downloading it and see just what installer they are using with it now. They claim it is better, maybe a Nullsoft package? I can hack those apart okay. Not today though, already wasted enough time downloading some whoppers on dial-up...

Iggy was trying it out around a year ago using the Linux version. I never heard how far he got with it.

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Leon Fisk

"Wes" mentioned it last week in r.c.m, "Anyone playing with brl-cad?"

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comments "windows version which is not as full featured afaikt" and "they offer a debian package" and link to a gcode generator but got no responses.


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James Waldby

I just finished installing it; I think it said it was using Install Shield -- but I didn't pay much attention.

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Tim Wescott

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with comments "windows version which is not as full featured afaikt"

Oh, yea -- check the dang archives first!!

At any rate, I've just installed it, if I find out anything interesting I'll post it.

I really want to do a solid model of this here Cox TD 09 replacement cylinder that I'm making, then get a drawing to pin on the wall behind the lathe as I work. We'll see if I get that far, or if I end up breaking out the compasses and graph paper.

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Tim Wescott

I'm trying to learn. The windows version doesn't seem to be full featured. Spent a fair bit of time getting my Fedora Core 8 to compile.

I hope to play with how it outputs dxf or dwg files in the near future.


-- "Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

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The latest release uses the Nullsoft installer. It also needs the MS .net framework (or at least part of it) and a newer OS than NT4. So it won't run on my computer anyway.

I may be able to figure out where to stick all the files and directories though for the old version now. Someday when I'm really bored I may see about that :)

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Leon Fisk

I got it compiled last night on my Linux box (the Debian package is pretty old). Haven't had a chance to play yet...

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Joe Pfeiffer

Another interesting program out there is blender

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It can do some impressive kinemations. Blender is 3d but not a real solid modeler.


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