Coding Robot Strong AI

Strong AI is being coded for autonomous humanoid robots by these steps.

  1. Code the MainLoop module --
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Use either an actual loop with subroutine calls, or make a ringlet of perha ps object-oriented module stubs, each calling the next stub. Provide the ES CAPE key or other mechanisms for the user to stop the AI.

  1. Code the Sensorium module or subroutine --
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Start a subroutine or module that is able to sense something coming in from the outside world, i.e., a key-press on the keyboard.

  1. Stub in the EnThink module for English thinking --
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  1. Initiate the AudInput module for keyboard or acoustic input.

Drop any [ESCAPE] mechanism down by one tier, into the AudInput module, but do not eliminate or bypass the quite essential Sensorium module, because a nother programmer may wish to specialize in implementing some elaborate sen sory modality among your sensory input stubs. Code the AudInput module init ially to deal with ASCII keyboard input. If you are an expert at speech rec ognition, extrapolate backwards from the storage requirements (space and fo rmat) of the acoustic input of real phonemes in your AudInput system, so th at the emerging robot Mind may be ready in advance for the switch from hear ing by keyboard to hearing by microphone or artificial ear.

  1. The TabulaRasa loop.

Before you can create an auditory memory AudMem subroutine for storing inpu t from the keyboard, you may need to code a "TabulaRasa" loop that will fil l the mental memory of the AI with blank engrams, thus reserving the memory space and preventing error messages about unavailable locations in the AI memory.

  1. MindBoot English +/- Russian bootstrap --
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The knowledge base (MindBoot) module makes it possible for the Strong AI Mi nd to begin thinking immediately when you launch the more advanced AI progr am. Here we stub in the EnBoot subroutine with an English word or two befor e the AudMem module begins to store new words coming from the AudInput modu le. The EnBoot stub shows us that the first portion of the AI mental memory is reserved for the innate concepts and the English words that express eac h concept. If you use the same Unicode that Perl enjoys to create a Strong AI Mind in Arabic, Chinese, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Swahil i, Urdu or any other natural human language, you will need to create a boot strap module for your chosen human language.

  1. AudMem (Auditory Memory) --
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Into the auditory array that was filled with blank spaces by the TabulaRasa sequence and primed with some bootstrap content by the EnBoot or MindBoot sequence, insert some new memories with the AudMem auditory memory module. Modify the AudInput module to prompt for English words and modify the EnThi nk module to display words stored in memory as if they were a thought being generated in English (or in your chosen natural human language).

  1. NewConcept Module --
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The NewConcept module addresses the symbol grounding problem by creating a new concept for any unrecognized word in the input stream, even a misspelle d word entered by mistake. In Symbolic AI, each word of natural language is the symbol of a concept, and as such is the key to accessing the concept. Of course, a recognized image may also grant access to a concept.

  1. EnParser English Parsing Module --
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The EnParser (English parser) module does not so much determine the part of speech of a word of input, but more importantly it assigns to an input wor d its grammatical role in the complete phrase being processed during Natura l Language Understanding.

  1. InStantiate -- --
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The InStantiate module creates a new instance or node of a concept in Symbo lic AI when a word of input activates the concept. The created instance is subject to change by the possibly delayed action of the English EnParser or Latin LaParser or Russian RuParser module, because Natural Language Unders tanding must often wait for the end of an idea before the whole idea can be understood.

  1. AudRecog auditory Recognition Module --
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The AudRecog module for auditory recognition recognizes various forms of a word, such as singular or plural nouns, or verbs with various inflected end ings.

  1. TacRecog Module --
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The TacRecog module for tactile recognition in robots implements the haptic sense for an AI Mind directly to touch and feel the external world. Even a n AI Mind not yet embodied in a physical robot may use TacRecog directly to sense and feel a number-key pressed by the human user on a computer keyboa rd. With philosophic implications for the learning of mathematics, an AI Mi nd may directly sense numeric quantities through the numeric keys on the ke yboard.

  1. OldConcept Module --
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If the AudRecog module recognizes a particular word, then the AudInput modu le calls the OldConcept module to create a new instance of the previously k nown concept. If a word is not recognized, AudInput calls the NewConcept mo dule to create a new concept for the word as a symbol.

  1. SpreadAct Spreading Activation Module --
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The SpreadAct module for Spreading Activation performs both simple spreadin g activation between concepts and also an extremely sophisticated role of r esponding to various input queries posed by human users.

  1. PsiDecay -- --
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The PsiDecay module lets the activation on "Psi" concepts decay gradually o ver time, so that mind-modules which impose or spread activation may operat e more effectively and so that artificial Consciousness may emerge as the s eearchlight of attention shifts from one highly activated concept or sensat ion to other highly activated concepts or sensations.

  1. Speech Module --
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The Speech module fetches characters from a starting point in auditory memo ry and displays the characters on-screen until a blank space occurs to sign ify the end of the word stored in memory.

  1. Indicative --
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The Indicative Mood module, as opposed to the Imperative Mood module for ex pressing commands, calls linguistically generative modules such as EnNounPh rase and EnVerbPhrase to express a thought indicating an idea or a belief.

  1. EnNounPhrase English Noun-Phrase Module --
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The English noun-phrase module selects the most activated noun-concept to b e the subject of a phrase or sentence.

  1. ReEntry --
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The ReEntry module is used in the various JavaScript Minds to facilitate th e reentry of an output word back into the AI Mind.

  1. EnVerbPhrase English Verb-Phrase Module --
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The English verb-phrase module fetches from memory a verb that has basicall y been pre-ordained to be expressed as the verb in a Subject-Verb-Object (S VO) phrase or sentence. EnVerbPhrase also calls a module like EnVerbGen to generate an inflected form of an indicated verb. EnVerbPhrase is designed w ith a view to calling the VisRecog module to supply the English word for th e visually recognized object of the action of a verb, such as in a sentence like "I see... (a dog)."

  1. EnAuxVerb English Auxiliary Verb Module --
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The English auxiliary-verb module calls auxiliary verbs such as "do" or "do es" for use in the generation of such sentences as a negated idea, such as "God does not play dice."

  1. AskUser Module --
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The AskUser module works in conjunction with the logical InFerence module t o ask a human user to confirm or deny a logical inference being proposed in side an AI Mind.

  1. ConJoin Module --
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The ConJoin module inserts a conjunction during the generation of a compoun d thought. For instance, if an AI Mind has two or more higjly activated sub jects of thought, the ConJoin module will insert the conjunction "and" to j oin two active ideas together.

  1. EnArticle Module --
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The English article module inserts the article "a" or the article "the" bef ore a noun in a sentence being generated.

  1. EnAdjective Module --
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The English adjective module recalls and inserts an adjective during the ge neration of a thought.

  1. EnPronoun Module --
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The English pronoun module replaces a noun with a pronoun.

  1. AudBuffer Module --
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The auditory buffer module stores a word in memory for transfer to the OutB uffer module for inflectional processing.

  1. OutBuffer Module --
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The OutBuffer module holds a word in a right-justified framework where the ending of the word may be modified by a module like the EnVerbGen module fo r generating a required English verb-form.

  1. KbRetro Module --
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The KbRetro module retroactively adjusts the knowledge base (KB) of the AI in response to user input responding to a question from the AskUser module.

  1. EnNounGen English-Noun Generating Module

The English noun-generating module shall modify a singular English noun int o its proper plural form by adding "s" or "es".

  1. EnVerbGen EnGlish Verb Generating Module --
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The verb-generation module operates when the verb-phrase module fails to fi nd a needed verb-form in auditory memory.

  1. InFerence Module --
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The InFerence module engages in automated reasoning with logical inference. For instance, if the user inputs 'John is a student," the AI may infer the possibility that John reads books, The AskUser module asks the user, "Does John read books?" Depending on a "yes" or "no" answer, the KbRetro module retroactively adjusts the knowledge base (KB), either discarding the unwarr anted inference or by leaving intact a true inference or inserting "not" in to a negated inference such as "John does not read books."

  1. EnThink English Thinking Module --
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The English thinking module calls such subordinate modules as the Indicativ e module for a declarative sentence or the InFerence module for automated r easoning.

  1. Motorium Robot Motor Memory Module --
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As soon as you have sensory memory for audition, it is imperative to includ e motor memory for action. The polarity of robot-to-world is about to becom e a circularity of robot - motorium - world - sensorium - robot. If you hav e been making robots longer than you have been making minds, you now need t o engrammatize whatever motor software routines you may have written for yo ur particular automaton. You must decouple your legacy motor output softwar e from whatever mindless stimuli were controlling the robot and you must no w associate each motor output routine with memory engram nodes accreting ov er time onto a lifelong motor memory channel for your mentally awakening ro bot. If you have not been making robots, implement some simple motor output function like emitting sounds or moving in four directions across a real o r virtual world.

  1. Volition module for robot free will --
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In your robot software, de-link any direct connection that you have hardcod ed between a sensory stimulus and a motor initiative. Force motor execution commands to transit through your stubbed-in Volition module, so that futur e versions of your thought-bot will afford at least the option of incorpora ting a sophisticated algorithm for free will in robots. If you have no robo t and you are building a creature of pure reason, nevertheless include a Vo lition stub for the sake of AI-Complete design patterns.

  1. Imperative --
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The Imperative Mood module, called by the free-will Volition module, issues commands such as "Teach me something" to the human user.

  1. The SeCurity module --
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The SeCurity module is not a natural component of the mind, but rather a ma chine equivalent of the immune system in a human body. When we have advance d AI robots running factories to fabricate even more advanced AI robots, le t not the complaint arise that nobody bothered to build in any security pre cautions. Stub in a SeCurity module and let it be called from the MainLoop by uncommenting any commented-out mention of SeCurity in the MainLoop code. Inside the new SeCurity module, insert a call to ReJuvenate but immediatel y comment-out the call to the not-yet-existent ReJuvenate module. Also inse rt into SeCurity any desired code or diagnostic messages pertinent to secur ity functions.

  1. The HCI module in JavaScript manages human-computer interaction.

  1. Spawn --
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The Spawn module issues commands to the operating system to make copies of an AI Mind that include experiential memories up to the point of the spawning of each new AI Mind.

  1. MetEmPsychosis --
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The module of MetEmPsychosis or soul travel is designed to spawn a remote c opy of an AI Mind while immediately deleting the previous version of the so ftware and memories so that the remote new version of the AI Mind is effect ively the same AI traveling across cyberspace in a metastatic process akin to mind uploading.

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