Mancow Waterboarded

I'd ask the same of those who say waterboarding "isn't torture". Let them be subjected to it in the same fashion it's been inflicted on the captives, and _THEN_ say it's not torture.

I believe that if America ever wants to regain any kind of National Pride, or Self-Respect, and any modicum of respect from the rest of the world, we should renounce anything that even _LOOKS_ like torture, because:

A. Torture is evil. B. We're supposed to be _BETTER_ than that.

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria
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Then you really don't know what you would do.

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Michael A. Terrell

Oh give it a rest. I guess you'd just give them name rank and serial number until you died. Good for you. As for me, I'd tell them anything they asked me to tell them, right up front, just to avoid the inevitable. Call me a wimp if you want, but that's my plan.

By the way, my brother, who served in an elite tank corps in the Israeli army, told me that they were instructed, if captured, to tell them anything they wanted to hear, to admit to anything they wanted, to sign confessions of war crimes, and if possible, to do it in public, on TV.

Take it from someone who HAS been waterboarded:

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You'd be surprised how many do not give a rats ass about our moral standing. Muslim terrorists cut off someone's head, so lets throw all our moral standing out the goddamn window because, hey, it's not like we're cutting off someone's head.

I call those who support using torture cowards, more cowardly than any terrorist.


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i never made any claim as to what i would do, and no one really knows how they will react to torture.

You take it. That is just one person's opinion.

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Michael A. Terrell

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