amateur motor manufacture - what's really wrong with it? [religious heresy / alternate history speculation?]

The only information available when I posted that link was that news article in itself. The facts of the matter have since come to light. Had the story been true, it would have easily have given an example of what's wrong with amateur motor manufacture.

I consider amateur motor manufacture a danger to the hobby. 99.9% of the people involved are mature, careful people, but that tiny minority that hurts theirselves and others gets all the mainstream press. Well meaning people post information about amateur motor manufacture, idiots get involved, instant problem, just add irresponsibility.

I realize some folks get a charge out of making their own motors, I'm just not one of them. Just like those folks that insist on trying to come up with a guidence system for their rockets. Avoiding these two areas of rocketry don't diminish it at all for me, but then that's just me.

I found the story, thought it pertained, and posted the link. So it's been debunked since more information has come about, thanks to some great folks on here. This makes me an idiot? Why the personal attack?

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How do you figure? Commercial propellant is just as likely to "contribute to a fire." Cans of gasoline will "contribute to a fire," so will aerosol cans such as spray paint and hairspray. J350 loads will, cooking oil will, I could go on...

You know how many people I have talked to over the years who have taken apart estes motors and busted up the black powder grains to make "destructive devices?" With that said, saying amateur motor manufacture is bad for the hobby is like saying people who fly estes models are bad for the hobby because of the people who misuse model rocket motors. Anything somebody stupid does regarding any hobby or interest is harmful, it doesn't matter what it is.

We aren't talking about you though, and your opinion on why you don't do certain things with rockets doesn't matter. As I said in one of my other posts, people want different things from their hobbies. That's why its called a hobby.

What we are talking about is the fact that you would even consider using some retarded unverified article as a reason why amateur motor manufacture is bad. Hell, from the way the article was written it would have been more appropriate as a reason why people owning commercial motors is bad. Posting a vague unverified article in place of a rational argument against MY hobby is pathetic. If you have something to say against MY hobby, then do it with your own rational though. Don't stoop to the lows of uninformed unspecific journalism to do your talking for you.

I thought around here everybody knew better than to take a news media article on face value. The ones in the other thread don't at least.

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