OT - South Asia Disaster Relief

I'm so glad you have felt the need to contribute so generously Chuck. You must indeed be a caring generous person.

Chuck, if you are going to be effective hater you have to at least know something about the area on which you're commenting.

Unfortunately the USA education system teaches Americans a lot about America and little about the rest of the world. Being a good Australian I feel its my obligation to give you a quick lesson about the area affected.

Sri Lanka is a BHUDDIST yes read it again BHUDDIST country.

India is Hindu.

Myanmar is Bhuddist.

Thailand is Bhuddist.

Malaysia is also predominately Muslim but VERY secular.

Indonesia is predominately Muslim but with notable exceptions, Aeche province has the biggest christian community in Indonesia. Bali is almost 100% Hindu.

The comment as I read it was made before the USA increased its total to something worthwhile. It's now a commendable effort. At the time the comment was made by the UN your countries contribution was less then Australias so no wonder the UN jogged the US administrations' conscience.

The leading countries for aid annually on a per capita basis are Norway, Sweden, Denmark. The US and Australia are way down the list.

Chuck, I hope this has been some help to you in understanding this calamity a little better.

Bob Tomlinson

Aussie RC Enthusiast and Rugby Fanatic.

Thank heavens the USA hasn't discovered and packaged Rugby.

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The US Administration initally promised $15m in aid, until the New York Times and others pointed out that they were planning to spend more than twice that amount just on the upcoming Republican victory celebration.

Interestingly, with this belated escalation of assistance, rather than justify it as a simple act of goodwill towards their fellow man in a time of extreme crisis, the US feels obliged to spin the larger commitment as a measure to prevent the area from turning into a breeding ground for Islamic terrorism.

Most Americans I know wouldn't need such a skewed rationale to be motivated to do the right thing.

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While I agree with you, it should be pointed out that many of our foreign brethren don't seem to think you are right as all the political threads show with disgusting regularity.

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Chuck Jones

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