Consumer question for any PA locksmiths

Ok, your "original post" is HERE /\ /\ /\

It seems to me like you are fishing for people who will offer you the opinions you want to hear...

And you are trying to get your roommate out of a situation that is all hers to deal with... Let her decide what to do, as it is her that is on the hook for the bill, not you... Correct ? Or did I not understand you...

"We got a phone book from a neighboring business that was just about to close (and did I mention it was raining at the time?) and my roommate placed a call on her cell phone to the nearest locksmith with 24 hour service, whose office was just two blocks away."

So again, using your original description, I am wondering just where you think 24 hour locksmiths spend their time at night ??? I for one KNOW it is not in their shop by the phone...

Maybe you could clarify "not late at night" with an actual time, Phiily is a big city so I don't think its like my hometown where everything closes at

6pm and the sidewalks get rolled up for the night by 7... "Almost closing" Nearby businesses means its closer towards night than evening...

Let's now address your concerns on this:

Actually if this does end up in court, which I think it will because you seem like the type that never lets shit drop once you have your mind set to it, THEIR word that a technician was EN ROUTE is proof... Which can then be backed up with call logs and truck mileage logs and the like... You have the burden of proof in a lawsuit to prove that they were not on their way, something which you admit you can't do so it is a moot point...

So was I wrong about YOU discussing this with your roommate and then somehow you both became convinced at that point that it was time to call around "for better prices" or "to get a quote after you were given a price estimate you didn't like" AFTER you had already entered into a request for service from someone ???

You (or your roommate) had already entered into a verbal agreement over the phone to have someone come out and open your door for you... You decided to whelsh on that because you found a better deal... Thats GREED... What did you find wrong with my statement about calling around for QUOTES --FIRST-- then calling back a company who you feel has a price you are willing to pay for a SERVICE CALL... You (your roommate) didn't do that and entered into a SERVICE CALL -- It is her problem now, as ignorance of things doesn't make them go away or make you right... I doubt that your estimates were rock solid anyway, as you may not describe the problem adequately enough over the phone to allow the locksmith to know exactly what it will take to solve your given situation...


You entered into a request for service... You are not disputing that fact... However you are griping about prices... You have learned a lesson: Next time call around before you say "Yes, Please come out and help me."

Just because one company can give you a firm price doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't is ripping you off... That is your opinion... I mentioned that different companies follow different policies... Now you understand what this means and you can make more informed decisions in the future...

What about it DON'T you understand... It was "evening" or whatever time it was... But the shop two blocks away was closed for the day... That means that whoever was responding to your request for service was coming from home or some other place... Not the shop TWO BLOCKS AWAY...

From all you have written on this issue you seem to think that YOUR RIGHTS are more important that anyone else's in this issue... Why not throw down and put your balls on the line and let an expert on the laws of PA (a.k.a. a small claims court judge) decide who is right on this issue... It is unfortunate that a few kind words here have stroked your ego in such a way that you think you are not entitled to pay for a service call you (your roommate) made then YOU aborted... No matter what you say to qualify or further describe the situation here that is one fact that you can not dispute, and the laws in PA on THAT issue will decide who is right and wrong in this circumstance... Not industry norms, or "professional standards" has anyone here offered a qualified opinion on that yet...

Just leave your door unlocked in the future, it will save you from getting involved in another situation like this...

Evan the Maiintenance Man

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Why would they sue? They haven't paid the bill unless I missed that part. It's up to the locksmith to sue and no business person with half a brain will waste their time suing for a judgement they probably won't get that they probably can't collect on anyway.

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You are bloody well wasting your time asking him he has no idea. He is here hoping that if he kisses enough locksmith ass they will welcome him into their little club. They won't.

That would be way too much bloody trouble.

Again he doesn't know. He is kissing as much locksmith ass as he can so they will teach him the bloody secret handshake.

Tell them to go bugger themselves and that you have never bloody heard of their company before and that if they keep harassing you you will sue them and complain to the phone company.

Don't blame him. Locksmithing makes you stupid and even though he isn't one he is off to a bloody great start.

It's how he would bloody like to but alas he is only a mere maintenance man not a true locksmith, although with his utter stupidity he is well on his way.

Or bloody anywhere else for that matter.

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Of course that's what a wanker like you would do stick his girl with the problem.

A small claims judge or magistrate doesn't know their arse from a hole in the ground that's why they are doing small claims, ask any barister, bloody idiots all of them.

It is

Locksmithing makes you stupid. You should be happy to knoe you are well on your war.

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You wouldn't know a troll if it bit you on your fat ass. Now as to cluelessness I can already tell you are a freaking expert.

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Joe Consumer" <Joe

You always broadcast nothing but static.

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Joe Consumer" <Joe

"Joe Consumer" <Joe Consumer@Joe> trolled in message news:


Now as to

bad words from someone hiding behind a computer screen.

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"Joe Consumer" <Joe Consumer@Joe> trolled in message

---snip the troll---

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