I know the RM had a reputation for being anti technology and I thought they had moved on.

I gave up reading the DCC supplement after the basic errors of fact on page 5.

Just how does one set an address of 4472 in CV1 ;-)

The description of the programming modes is confused, at best.


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Just select the Long Address Option and punch it in!

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I think breaking it into two bites might help. Well it is binary isn't it ?

( Would look for my coat, but its too hot ).

- Nigel

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Nigel Cliffe

Yes, but it doesn't go in CV1.


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I don't use DCC but that's because of money and no layout (!!!). I would like to use DCC though if I ever stay in one place long enough to build a layout so thought I might keep this supplement as Useful Information For The Future. It's now in the recycling bin...

I do like RM, as I've said before, but I get the feeling that they're trying to accept technology and cover it in the mag, but only because they feel they ought to in order to keep up with the competition :-)

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Paul Boyd

When you decide to take the plunge, buy the most current book on the subject. DCC is changing very quickly, eg, NMRA is discussing a new set of standard CVs with manufacturers, for all those additional functions. Most DCC locos here now come with sound, even Bachmann is moving in that direction. Wireless controllers are more and more common. Pretty well all new and retooled locos have an 8 or 9 pin plug. Etc.

cheers, wolf k.

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Wolf K

Afraid keeping up with the technology will be like TV's, lots of whizz bang gadgets. But apart from the occasional film theres very little benefit from the extra expense - its still a case of whats most important to the individual. So the older stuff that could be good enough may become cheap, and some of us steamers dont need quite so many functions.

Cheers, Simon

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I have to say I never bought a book, and although I have made a few schoolboy errors (usually buying the wrong decoder, missing function or too big or something) it's been remarkably trouble free. I think the only major change I've needed to make was splitting the layout and adding a booster - and that's on a loop layout 27' x 17' that goes round twice, crossing over itself. Guy

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Just zis Guy, you know?

When you decide it might be worth researching the matter, post a question here (or email me) and a link to a few on-line resources will be provided. The better ones are free from hype and b*ll*cks.

- Nigel

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Nigel Cliffe

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