Gas lens questions

--After much travail, sputtering whooshing and other misdemeanors I finally traced my welding problem down to a plugged-up gas lens. Once replaced everything went smoothly. Now the question: can I use a gas lens intended for 1/8" electrodes with 3/32" tungstens, or will it just not work at all? This would be for one of those 'in a pinch' situations I seem to get into on Saturdays when the stores are closed... ;-)

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I don't believe gas lenses are tungsten size specific, the collets used in them are. The gas lens should cover a range of possible tungsten sizes. Certainly I've always used one gas lens for both 1/8" and 3/32" tungstens.

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Pete C.

I agree with Pete. The collet size is the important bit.

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Ernie Leimkuhler

--Good to know; thanks guys! Especially good to know I can save a few bucks after our recent trip to a casino, heh.

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