Flock of thousands of brds with deadly diarrhea flying over your head?

not a pretty thing to think about... enormous flock of birds, infected with deadly diarrhea, may be flying right above your head...

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"Ignoramus14616" wrote in message news: snipped-for-privacy@giganews.com...

Be glad pigs don't fly:

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Reply to
Jim Wilkins

Scary thought.

I was surprised yesterday on the way to town. I came around a curve going up the hill and something brownish launched from the far side of the road and brushed the cab just over my head. I think it was a Canadian Goose, but all I saw was a tan blob go from the dirt to just over my head in 1 second flat as I passed it at 55mph. Nothing was in my mirrors after I passed it, and nothing was on the vehicle when I stopped in town, so the only possibility I can come up with was a goose. Very weird, as I didn't see a wing during that entire 1-second viewing.

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Larry Jaques

Maybe it was a message from God?

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Mebbeso, boss. But, if so, why didn't I see a wing and a prayer?

I'm still trying to figure out why a goose landed at the side of a blacktopped highway when about 8 acres of grass were only a block away, and that's where they usually land, whether it's fall or spring.

It was an iffy morning, either way. I got to town at 11am and the irrigation store was closed (despite their website saying they were open at 8 on Saturdays, the library wasn't open yet (noon) , and my favorite Thai restaurant wasn't open yet (M-F 11am, Sat 11:30am).

I did dump my recyclables, though. 1 out of 4's a bad average, tho.

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Larry Jaques

I think it was a

Most birds will instinctively fold their wings just before a possible crash to prevent a broken wing bone. They drop like a stone in that condition, of course, but then can open their wings and fly away if the impact wasn't too bad. You'll see them do this when zipping in and out of trees, for instance.


Reply to
Jon Elson

Yabbut, he had just taken off, and was then trying to evade the speeding gold monster coming at him. You might be right, though.

And your eyes are better than mine if you can see a bird fold its wings for 1/120th of a second while going between branches.

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Larry Jaques

Sounds like a partridge.

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Jim Wilkins

They're the ones that can hear a shotgun hammer fall and turn 90 degrees left or right before the shot gets there.

Their ability to dodge a shot is unbelievable.

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Ed Huntress

Wha? In a pear tree? Was that story REAL?

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Larry Jaques

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