hollander beater plans?


Hope someone here can help. My girlfriend has mentioned she wants a hollander beater for her papermaking. After checking out the prices they seem very expensive. I've got a well equiped machine shop and have made several machine tools in the past so would like to give this a try. However after searching the web I can't seem to find much information on how these units work.

If anyone could point me to a website or some books that would have information on these I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Al

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might prove helpful. Howard Clark at Twinrocker used to manufacture a fiberglass tub beater. Bertram are the big manufacturers of mill-sized beaters, (don't know if they are still in business, actually), you might search for them. There is a trick to the plan view of the Bertram that is really great, and not much copied, and helps with the circulation and mixing of the pulp. If you can find a plan view of the Bertam, it is worth emulating. The little lab beaters that the hand-papermakers want are called "Valley Beaters". The Clarks used to sell a book buy James Clark (no relation to Kathryn and Howard) that was oriented around paper technology for the paper mill lab. It has a lot of great illustrations. I don't see the book on their web page, so it may have gone out of print.

If I were doing it, I'd think in terms of a concrete tub. The wooden staves between the beater bars are apparently important, to help dampen the shock/vibration on the bearings and superstructure.

If you build one, post pictures, I'd be curious.


Adam Smith Midland, ON

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Adam Smith

Found a book by James D'A Clark called Pulp Technology and Treatment for Paper on Bookfinder. Cose is $89. Is that the book?

-- Why do penguins walk so far to get to their nesting grounds?

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Bob May

That is the one. Great book if you are really interested in pulp science.

It is mostly oriented around paper mill lab testing and mill control, but there is great information for the hand paper maker that is willing to spend the effort. And I'm pretty sure that there are drawings of the Bertram that give you a good sense of the plan. If it is a make-or-break on your buy decision, I can check my copy tonight. If there is anything specific you are hoping to learn, ditto, just ask.



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Adam Smith

Try this newsgroup

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Unbelievable! There is an online group for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!

Thanks for posting this, I just joined.

Adam Smith Midland, ON Canada

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Adam Smith

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