how to get a list of dimensions and gtols?


I am trying to prepare a list of all the Dimensions in a drawing and all the GTols attached to them (if there are any). Below you will find a code that does that. It uses the API to get the data you see on SolidWorks and copies it into a class private members.

However, I have a few acute problems.

  1. Assuming I have "n" annotations in a drawing and each annotation has "k" fields, it means I have to perform O(n*k) calls to a COM object. This, on its own has an overhead. Since I am using .NET to call the COM object, it means I have O(n*k) calls to the RCW (COM wrapper in .NET).

How do I minimize the overhead and save my users a lot of time waiting for the application to run?

  1. There is an API function "GetAttachedEntities2" which works when I call and select a GTol, it then tells me which dimension it is connected to. However, I think there is a bug since this function does not work when I select a GTol and look for its Dimensions.

Is this indeed a bug? how do I connect between a Dimension and its GTol? I need a code that works.

Looking at the attached file: Is there a better way to code what I do there?

Thanks in advance,


' ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Private Function SetAnnotation(ByVal swAnnotationToParse As SldWorks.Annotation, ByVal IsAnnNumberingOn As Boolean) As Boolean Dim swDimension As SldWorks.DisplayDimension Dim swAttachedEntitiesArray As Object Dim Linear, Angular As Object Const PI As Double = 3.14159265359 Static miDimensionCounter As Integer Dim LinearFactorArray As Double() = {1000, 100, 1, 1000 /

25.4, 1000 / 25.4 / 12, 1000 / 25.4, _ 10000000000.0#, 1000000000, 1000000, 1000 / 25.4 * 1000, 1 / 25.4 * 1000000000} Dim AngularFactorArray As Double() = {180 / PI, 1 / 60, 1 / 60 / 60, 1}

' -------------------------------------------------- ' on the first part of the function - adding a dimension ' ' --------------------------------------------------

swDimension = swAnnotationToParse.GetSpecificAnnotation ' FindTolOfAnnotationAddToObject(swAnnotationToParse)

Linear = swDrawingDoc.GetUnits() Angular = swDrawingDoc.GetAngularUnits() mdDimLinearFactor = LinearFactorArray(Linear(0)) mdDimAngularFactor = AngularFactorArray(Angular(0))

' get the text out of a dimension. Start with "Non Angular" dimension msPrefixText = swDimension.GetText(SwConst.swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextPrefix) msSuffixText = swDimension.GetText(SwConst.swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextSuffix) msAboveText = swDimension.GetText(SwConst.swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutAbove) msBelowText = swDimension.GetText(SwConst.swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutBelow) mlngToleranceType = swDimension.GetDimension.GetToleranceType

If (True = swDimension.GetUseDocPrecision()) Then mdPrecision = swDimension.GetPrimaryPrecision2() Else mdPrecision = swDimension.GetAlternatePrecision2() If mdPrecision = SwConst.swDimensionPrecisionSettings_e.swTolerancePrecisionFollowsNominal Then mdPrecision = swDimension.GetPrimaryPrecision2() End If End If

If mdPrecision = SwConst.swDimensionPrecisionSettings_e.swPrecisionFollowsDocumentSetting Then mdPrecision = swDrawingDoc.GetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(SwConst.swDrawingProjectionType_e.swDrawing1stAngleProjection) End If

mdarrToleranceValues = swDimension.GetDimension.GetToleranceValues mobjToleranceFitValues = swDimension.GetDimension.GetToleranceFitValues() If swDimension.GetType SwConst.swDimensionType_e.swAngularDimension Then mdValue = swDimension.GetDimension.GetUserValueIn(swDrawingDoc) Else ' swAngularDimension mdValue = swDimension.GetDimension.value End If

' exit this function when incurring a bracket annotation return FALSE If Left(msPrefixText, 1) = "(" And msSuffixText = ")" Then Return False ' if annotation already numbered don't renumber it, but add to counter If IsAnnNumberingOn = True Then miDimensionCounter = miDimensionCounter + 1 If Not Regex.IsMatch(msAboveText, "^(.*?)\[(.*?)\](.*?)?") Then swDimension.SetText(3, msAboveText & " " & "[" & miDimensionCounter & "]") End If End If

mstr_xPosition = swAnnotationToParse.GetDisplayData.GetTextPositionAtIndex(0)(0) mstr_yPosition = swAnnotationToParse.GetDisplayData.GetTextPositionAtIndex(0)(1)

' -------------------------------------------------- ' the below is a very interesting part of the application ' it returns the location/position of the selected annotation ' for example "A-5". ' --------------------------------------------------

Dim swDrawingWidth = swDrawingDoc.GetCurrentSheet().GetProperties()(5) Dim swDrawingHeight = swDrawingDoc.GetCurrentSheet().GetProperties()(6) Dim iHorizSection, iVertSection As Integer Dim dTemp As Double Dim dXSectionNum As Double = NumOfHorzSections(swDrawingWidth, swDrawingHeight) Dim dYSectionNum As Double = NumOfVertSections(swDrawingWidth, swDrawingHeight)

If (dXSectionNum = 21 Or dXSectionNum = 17) Then iHorizSection = Math.Round(mstr_xPosition / (swDrawingWidth / dXSectionNum)) + 1 Else dTemp = mstr_xPosition / (swDrawingWidth / dXSectionNum) iHorizSection = Int(mstr_xPosition / (swDrawingWidth / dXSectionNum)) End If iVertSection = NumOfVertSections(swDrawingWidth, swDrawingHeight) - Int(mstr_yPosition / (swDrawingHeight / NumOfVertSections(swDrawingWidth, swDrawingHeight))) mstr_yPosition = (Chr(iVertSection + 64)) mstr_xPosition = CStr(iHorizSection + 1)

End Function '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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