Labrador Opens The Vittle Vault!

Ottawa Canada

Friend of mine who caught her Labrador Retriever trying to turn the handwheel on the Vittle Vault a few days ago caught the dog happily wolfing down the food in the Vittle Vault today!

I have strongly recommended she buy a Chubb Spartan money safe, about 55 inches high with a S ^ G 4 number manipulation proof combination lock to keep her dogfood safe from doggy burglars.

I forget the model of the safe, but it weighs in at a bit over 3 tons and in Ottawa retails for around $7,200 or so.

It carries a TR/TL 30 label which will keep the average human or doggy burglar away from the dogfood for at least 30 minutes, giving the dogfood police time to arrive and take the Labrador downtown for paw printing etc.

Actually, considering the safe weighs 3 tons and a bit, it is amazing they can make a TRTL 30 safe for just $7,200 Canadian.


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Brian K.Lingard
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so... that's like $50 US? eh?

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