Cleaning fluids

30 WATTS That sounds piffling ..........the midget ones on ebay are that .. other 5 litre tanks on ebay are 120 watts plus

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it's looking easier now just to go out and buy the larger ebay one. all the best.mark

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Nope, in the main ultrasonic baths operate at 38-40kHz and use transducers which resonate at this frequency.

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Peter Parry

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No, you should follow convention and include sufficient of the previous posts to make your post make sense, otherwise it fragments (as this one has). It's people using Google Groups failing to realise what they see is not what the actual newgroup sees is the problem !!!!!!!!!!!


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Andrew Mawson

Andrew said "No, you should follow convention and include sufficient of the previous posts to make your post make sense, otherwise it fragments (as this one has). It's people using Google Groups failing to realise what they see is not what the actual newsgroup sees is the problem !!!!!!!!!!! "

here's a a summary of my posts for non googlers (and I think the google groups have a better set-up)

  1. Relating to getting hold of one of these machines

I've been after one of them for ages .... I have outboards that gummed up on ebay they sell tiny ones that are too The large ones they sell go for too higher price. anyone know how I can make one of these from everyday discarded objects.for practically nothing. I heard some story about speakers and amplifiers doing the job.. is this correct.? PS don't come back with stories on how I could up the amplitude and square the sine wave please :) ...that's for all those who want to show off with there Superior knowledge Won't impress me I'm afraid..just bore the hell out of me. because I won't it simple and not too mind bindingly complex. In other words in layman's terms.

all the best.mark


  1. construction..................not the heating ...that is a no brainer

I was thinking along the lines of a tape deck with one of these sounds recorded from here in the zip file.

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there is a 17,000 Hz in the file ..........

and then amplifying it and sending it thru speakers attached to the side of the tank. probably destroy the speakers...that's why they are using transducers perhaps ..I don't know. I don't know who the hell sells ceramic transducers or if they are cheap....what household object or electrical gadget has these transducers from which I can salvage them...........and is it then still a matter of using the tape deck and amp.

all the best...mark


  1. ohhhh yeah forgot They sell Piezzo speakers for alarm systems quite cheap ...will they do

?. all the best.mark


  1. then me wondering whats going on.

Why isn't there anyone agreeing or disagreeing with me on this ....... tell me its stupid, if it is guys :D all the best.mark

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Well if you insist - it's stupid Whatever it is you are on about.


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Cliff Coggin

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Only if you don't know how to drive -

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I agree and furthermore, using a web interface for newsgroups is massively inefficient and clumsy.


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I currently access this goup via

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How can I access i using a newsreader?


-- amcne

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