Shuffle off to Buffalo ...

Just be aware that using the new EZPass system on toll roads will result in a fine being levied against you, when they calculate the end-to-end average speed and it's more than 5mph over the limit. So when speeding, don't use EZPass! :)

PA Tom

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Tom Ha
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It's obviously technically possible to do this. Do you know of any instances where this actually happened. This could be done with those toll tickets too.

Phil Ste>Just be aware that using the new EZPass system on toll roads will result in

Phil Stein

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Phil Stein

Tom Ridge never used this against us! - but I guess Ed Rendell will!

PA Dale


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Dale Greene

YES, I remember that weekend

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Some years ago I was pulled over by a State Trooper. I was marginally exceeding the speed limit. He was not in a good mood to be sure. I watched him get out of his car and walk up to me. We reached a point in our conversation where he said something like "do you know what I am going to do now?" I should have said something witty like "let me off with a warning?", but for some reason I blurted out something like "You're going to sell me some tickets to the State Troopers Ball?", to which he responded "Sorry, State Troopers don't have balls". We looked at each other and I cracked up. He just smiled and walked back to his car, got in and drove off. I sat for ten minutes waiting for him to come back and then left. State Troopers do indeed have a sense of humour.


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M Lampert

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