Original Super Glue.

Should I be out in the kitchen and I hear someone on TV with a speech problem, it's usually one of two causes - either a sports player after a game or a certain incompetent politician. Ever notice that almost every post game new conference covers the same ground and the same old answers get trotted out. After awhile there's only so many ways one can say the same thing. Why bother with a news conference?

Bill Banaszak, MFE Sr.

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The only ones I've 'watched' have been those wonderful games that go into overtime, thus cancelling or postponing whatever show was supposed to be on at that time. This usually entails me sitting there cursing both teams and the fatheads in the broadcast box making inane commentary. Some weekends in the Fall I'm extremely lucky that any news gets on the air. I recall one recent Saturday evening waiting for the !#%$&*+~! game to end, hoping for at least a half of a newscast. Game ends and then between commercial breaks and closing ceremonies the thing took up all the available time. Football, I spit in your general direction.

Bill Banaszak, MFE Sr.

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on 12/20/2007 2:35 AM Mad-Modeller said the following:

Geez, you guys only get one channel where you live? :-)

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...and sometimes it gets flakey.

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I pay the Comcast for 23, use 11 regularly. Except for WGN out of Chicago I'd sooner go back to an antenna.

Bill Banaszak, MFE Sr.

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wasn't that the original channel of frank averuche, the original bozo da clown?

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Right channel, not sure about the guy. ISTR someone named Larry.

Bill Banaszak, MFE Sr.

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franl was 1948-52, i believe. watched at my gram's house.

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corretc on hoppy and howdy, also. do you remember a short or something with a rocket stuck on top of a steam locomotive. i think it was the cannonball something. i couldn't have been over

5 becayse then we had a telly at home and i didn't have to sneak to granny's. my folks bought the tv because it was 2 trolly's and a bus to her house and they were scared shitless when i did it. the joys of a misspent youth....my gramps would drive me home and we would stop at the yusay brewery where he managed and i got quarts of soda. the ginger ale was awesome.
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I don't know that I remember what I watched that early. I suspect Hopalong Cassidy because of my being a big fan. Howdy Doody would be another one. Still have my Phineas T. Bluster bubble pipe. My gramma didn't have TV so going there meant having to spend time amusing myself.

Bill Banaszak, MFE Sr.

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over 5 becayse then we had a telly at home and i didn't have to > sneak to granny's.

Doesn't ring any bells. I know that at least one commercial made an impression as it was part of family lore that Wee Willi would run out to the kitchen to tell Mommy that Ajax was on the TV. I also heard that I didn't like "Lights Out" one bit. ;)

and they were scared shitless when i did it.

stop at the yusay brewery where he managed and i got quarts of > soda. the ginger ale was awesome.

Lucky you. Both of my grandfathers were long gone when I arrived. Lost my paternal grandma when I was an infant. Can't complain about my remaining grandparent. She was a hardy, hardworking woman who raised nine kids and ran a farm for a while. I think Mom gets her tough constitution from her. I probably rode the PTC trolleys when an infant in Philly and for years I was stumped about a seeming dream of getting on a train with my parents that started flying into the air. I got the answer back in '65 when on a trip to Philly and we got on the El at the train station. It started out underground and then climbed out and up. Aha!

Bill Banaszak, MFE Sr.

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