Buy something May 1st

In the unlikely event that your governmnent was organised enough to do such a thing - which I very much doubt - the arse would fall out of your country within a few days. Without illegals, who'd do all the shitty jobs no-one else will touch? :-)

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And yours isn't?

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There is already an excellent term that the Hispanics understand: mojado. In Spanish, it means wet. THEY use it to describe their illegal cousins, so its good enough for me.

¡No Mas! fl@liner
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Well stated, Dave!

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Mark Mathu

Yeah... all the Congressmen/women realized that they would lose their domestic help AND they'd also get thrown in jail!

Reply to
Mark Mathu

Oh yet another asshole who doesn't like cheap food.

This is much better in the original German.

Wenn Sie eine Entschuldigung ben=F6tigt haben, etwas railroading Waren des Modells (oder alle f=FCr diese Angelegenheit) zu kaufen, halten Sie Montag, Mai 1. den Tag, sie zu tun. K=F6nnen Sie nicht, Common eine Geschichte dieses =FCber den Zust=E4nden ist, aber der S=FCdwesten erwartet wird, um einen anderen Protest zu sehen durch ung=FCltige Ausl=E4nder und ihre Verfechter, die Tag. Ihr Plan ist, von der Arbeit Haupt zu bleiben, schult und tut kein finanzielles Gesch=E4ft, das Tag in der Bem=FChung die Wirtschaft verletzen und eine feindliche Anzeige zum Geben zu ihren Nachfragen innen schicken den Amerikanern. Gerade da mexikanische Radiostationen ein Sammlungpunkt f=FCr diese Proteste sind, sind die konservativen Radiogespr=E4ch Erscheinen (meistens lokal) eine gute Quelle f=FCr das counterprotest Organisieren gewesen: breite Skalapl=E4ne f=FCr Amerikaner sind, grosse Erwerbe abzuschlie=DFen, denen Tag, die VEREINIGTE STAATEN Markierungsfahne (Haus und Automobil) fliegen, und kaufen nichts, das in Mexiko hergestellt wird. Einige verfolgen auch, welche Gesch=E4fte bereitwillig da=DF Tag lassen ihre Arbeiter den Protest verbinden schlie=DFen. Diese werden auf Web site verzeichnet und boykottiert dauerhaft. Es wird ein interessanter Tag sein. Denken Sie, da=DF ich fr=FCh beginne und zu gehen meine neue Markierungsfahne oben heute: setzte)

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Sure as hell didn't work in my city. News tonight said about 1,000 Mexicans marched in favor of the protest on one side of street while almost 2,000 minutemen and other American citizens shouted at them all along their parade route. Not what they expected I bet. I don't mind the Mexicans being here, but they should be legal. I am for building fences all along the boarder,

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Isn't that the same thing the protesters are saying?

I am for spending more money on the three Rs.

Reply to
Mark Mathu

A belated Happy Birthday to you, Mark.

Reply to
Brian Smith

Just because your Siberian ancestors showed up before Ellis Island et al were built doesn't make you a native :-).

If it comes right down to it, we're all African-Americans. Except for all the readers from other countries, of course. You're African-whatever.

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Larry Blanchard

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Jon Miller

Reminds me of Dr. Martin Luther King's remark after nearly being hit by a rock in Chicago.....

"the people of Mississippi ought to come to Chicago to learn how to hate."

Just be thankful that the USA is not physically next to Iran instead of Mexico!


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Try not to let your red herring get in the way of the real issues.

The issue is that the only reason that there are illegal immigrants in this country is that someone wants to hire them, and that "someone" must have a reason. The reason for cheap labor is not to minimize cost for the consumer, it's to maximize profit for the producer by suppressing labor costs. As long as we are going to let corporate America continue this practice, we might as well treat our immigrant labor decently- give the ones who are here status and set up a program to allow guest workers.

Ya wanna get rid of illegals? Make the penalty for being caught HIRING them prohibitive, so that employers would rather pay a higher wage to citizens and legal residents for the work done by illegals than risk paying the price of being caught. Of course, it will cost us some GDP, but most of us shouldn't care that much because most of us don't profit from GDP growth (according to Labor Dept stats which show essentially no wage growth for the middle class for about the last 25 years).

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Thank you. Even though this topic is completely OT for this group, your post is stunningly accurate -- and excellent.

In fact, in a slightly different respect your point is also valid for overseas outsourcing of labor. Our federal government, via a tax code that exempts from taxes corporate income from foreign production, has essentially rewarded U.S. corporations for exporting as many jobs as they can over the past 30 years.

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Most of everything I agree with but here's the kicker. Few if any "corporate America" would get caught, arrested, or punished for this. Who would get punished? The middleclass homeowner who hired the illegal to trim his tree or mow his lawn. He'd probably get 20 years as that's the way it would work.

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Jon Miller

They are next door. Right next to the lastest addition to the Empire. There is a solution for them ........ just click here to see the video.

formatting link

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Bruce Favinger

Interesting results. At 0600 MDST (8:00 am Eastern) on Monday, NPR was reporting massive success and support along the east coast.

Here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, home of the new Rail Runner commuter service the prototype of Athearn's HO set (obloigatory rr content), the Albuquerque Journal reported in this morning's edition that about

1,000 protesters gathered downtown Monday.

What is interesting is that Monday's Journal touted the assembled multitude, said to be in excess of 13,000 who turned out Sunday morning for the "Race For The Cure" cancer research fund-raiser along the Rio Grande. Far more middle aged matrons (and others) crossing the Rio Grande (albeit east-west and west-east) going to and from the fund raiser than south-to-north crossers protesting.

For whatever that is worth.

Richard Albuquerque

Reply to
Rich Sullivan

Absolutely- illegal immigration, offshoring, outsourcing, "free trade"- it's all about suppressing labor costs. Replacing solid middle class blue collar jobs with $6.50/hr, no benefits jobs at walmart (the heirs of which are probably the primary backers of eliminating the estate tax). The income growth over the last 25 years for the top 1% has been breathtaking, but for the middle class, nada.

The power of the US economy was built on the phenomenal economic growth of the middle class after WWII. We are slowly but surely strangling the goose that laid the golden egg.

Illegal immigration is a very complicated issue, but one thing is certain: directing our anger at the immigrants themselves is just what the man wants you to do. Instead, try directing your anger at your congressmen who sit there railing against amnesty for illegals but spend every other waking minute of every day they are in office stripping away the economic power of the middle class in favor of their corporate benefactors.

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Amen, brother. Throw those hiring them in the same cell with Moussaoui - or at least the same prison. No fines, no country club jails (like Duke Cunningham's).

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Steve Caple

But those goose chokers (they're also chicken chokers) only think to the horizon of their own deaths (richly deserved and hopefully painful) even as they hire televangelists to rant about family values.

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Steve Caple

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