I can now run EMC2 and it kind of "works"


Please read section 3.1 beginning at "To specifically test the operation of the RealTime kernel, use the kernel latency test supplied with RTAI.":

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It runs on the Linux command line.

As it is running, exercise the system *without running EMC2*. Open windows, edit a file. Pop open a spreadsheet.

Let the program run for say 30 minutes, gathering latency statistics for you.


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Yup. I think it's a compatibility issue with the Real Time version of Ubuntu that hosts EMC2.


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Yay, I figured it out, it works great!

I am still away from home, but I am sure the servo motor is spinning etc. I executed my first G codes! I will verify it when I get home.


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Intel CPU:

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If you had your netcam pointed at the motor, you could see it spinning :) Of course if it wasn't spinning you wouldn't be getting encoder counts, so you can be sure it's spinning.

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Pete C.

Don't have one of those. Sorry.

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Jim Stewart

Awesome. Now, when I do G01 with a higher speed, speed up to F16 or so works. But above that, say at f20, I get a following error. Same for G00.

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The motor's shaft is smooth. I could not see it spin unless I put a sticker on it.


Any idea what could cause a following error at higher speeds (f20 instead of f10)?

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Gizmo - AKA gremlins...

...Seriously though, good luck.

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Joe AutoDrill

Smart thinking. I haven't used emc to to control anything yet but initial tests of drives on anything I've built is watch the motor, not connected to anything do it's tricks.

You have a net cam pointing at the motor? You could be having a blast at work on breaks, breaks, yah, just breaks. Maybe make up for coding stuff for work at home. ;)

Don't forget, easy to want to move to the next step skipping this one until later.


-- "Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

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Winston > ...and caused the dreaded "following Winston > error" to disappear.

A 'following error' you say?

Sounds serious. Can anyone help Iggy with this?


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Um. (Cough.) [Stares at feet] Yes.


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I was thinking, and I think that I know what is happening, not yet exacatly how to fix it.

I tell EMC what is my speed at max voltage, and EMC is measuring actual position.

I did not correctly specify the speed and thus EMC expects a wrong position.

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And might end up with a broken mill.

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Acceleration, deceleration, top speed, etc. Will of course be different when you have machine mass moving. It's probably using too high an acceleration rate currently.

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Pete C.

Acceleration rate. You probably have it trying to go from stopped to the specified speed with no acceleration ramp. You get away with it when specifying a low speed since you only have the motor mass to spin up currently, but even then when you try to do 0-20 IPM it can't accelerate fast enough and errors. The same will apply to your deceleration rate. Both of those rates will also be a lot lower when you have actual machine mass to get moving or stopped.

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Pete C.

I see you understand the big picture. Have fun and keep reporting. I sure am enjoying your progress in a vicarious fashion.


-- "Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to protect government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at home in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

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but my motor is not connected to the milling table, it spins by itself!

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What, you were powering up the servos and spinning the motor while not even in the same building????

I sure wouldn't worry about it. I think we figured out you have 4000 x

5 = 20,000 counts/inch. (Maybe I am neglecting a belt ratio there.) So, that is .00005" per encoder count. If it is holding position to +/- .0001", that is only two encoder counts! VERY good.

Well, once the servo is holding position without runaways, you can just hook it all up, as long as you have at least a manual E-stop that is easy to get to.


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Jon Elson

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