OT: Amusing ASCII art. The times, they have a changed.

I usually flush spam faster than AZHosehead changes screen sigs, but this one gave me a chuckle. With all the flash and animation of today's spam this one was a real throwback to the olds days way back in the...90s. ;-)


To reply, get the HECK out of there snipped-for-privacy@earthlink.net

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Loading thread data ...

and in around 1/6 scale too!

WmB wrote:

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It's also handy to remind younger users that its worth switching the font to an old style like 'courier' (the one that looks like a typewriter typeface) and centralising the page justification for best effect. If using MS Word, save as a text file then re-open to get rid of the squiggly lines ;)


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Can't really make it out, looks kind of like a Playboy femlin but what's in front of her? tia

The Keeper (of too much crap!)

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It's a pole dancer figure - but you have to justify the page centrally. Ask your secretary wife or girlfriend if you have no idea what that means ;). Chek

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Her arm. The pic is best viewed using Courier set to 12 pts. The double lines should align vertically to form a dance pole.


To reply, get the HECK out of there snipped-for-privacy@earthlink.net

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Thanks for the tip, that brought it into focus!

-- John The history of things that didn't happen has never been written. . - - - Henry Kissinger

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The Old Timer

Heck I remember that kind of 'art' back in 9th grade typing class. In that case it was a Christmas design that the teacher was dictating to us. I was such a lousy typist that mine lacked any coherence.

Bill Banaszak, MFE

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Ahh, Jezebelle bond ... in black latex ... and with her nipples pierced ... :-)

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John Magne Stubsveen

Prepared with MS-CBS Word '72 software.... ;-p

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Al Superczynski

Hhmmm! Looks like Betty Page!

Bill Shuey (who's giving his age away with this one)

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William H. Shuey

Being a mere 40, she was a bit before my time. Thanks to Gore's Wide Web though, I discovered her via her Playboy connection about a decade ago. Naughty girl! IIRC on a recent show I caught featuring lunch boxes the company rep said her commemorative box is their top seller. Not bad considering she's far removed from her salad days, but I bet she gets damn little compensation for it.

I've heard over the years that she made her rep in racy stag film work. I've never looked any of it up but I'm guessing racy for that time probably amounted to showing the carpet along with the drapes and little else.

Hell, she'd probably be a vestal virgin by today's standards.


To reply, get the HECK out of there snipped-for-privacy@earthlink.net

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Cool. I had to clean up the line wrap a little but that's definitely Ms. Page.


To reply, get the HECK out of there snipped-for-privacy@earthlink.net

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Well, actually ... I think it's "inspired by" one of the pictures from the Suze.net photoshoot #2072 featuring Jezebelle Bond -- photographed by Suze Randall who for many years did a lot of the pictorials in Penthouse magazine.

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John Magne Stubsveen

A long time ago Playboy did an article on Betty and things I read there and other sources suggest that she was not restrained in her behaviour. IIRC, she's also no longer with us.

DC, I have a small file of her myself courtesy of the 'net. :) A. She's brunette. B. She's physically stubstantial as compared to the 'sticks' that pass for models now. There's a lady out there now worth looking up. Google "Kate Donovan" sometime.

Bill Banaszak, MFE

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