AutoCAD 2000 no longer eligible for upgrade after end of year

This is the note my vendor sent me. Now here's what I have to say to AutoDESK

Dear AutoDESK,

We are struggling to rebound from the poor economic situation. Our cash flow is improving, but we don't have the money to upgrade from version AutoCAD

2000 now. Also, 2000 works fine in our environment and is compatible with our add-on applications. It used to be that we could upgrade from any version of AutoCAD for about $400. Now you are making probably the most installed version obsolete by forcing people to upgrade. This is obvilously designed for your benifit and not your customers.


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So keep using 2000. We still prefer our highly customized R14 for most of our day-to-day work, even though we have 2000i. No one is *forcing* you to upgrade, and the best way to communicate the way we feel about Autodesk's continual gouging is to simply refuse to pay the piper.

Yes, there *is* the issue of incompatible file formats, but Autodesk is at least minimally addressing that with an external Batch Converter capable of saving 2004 format drawings back to R14. (Although only those with 2004 installations can install and use it.) ___

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Paul Turvill

I hope writing that email made you feel better. The only thing it did for AutoDesk is give them one more thing to delete. They have a long history of screwing their customers. Thing is, people take it and AutoDesk knows this. As long as people keep buying their software, they will continue to do this. Many (most?) AutoCAD users (the ones that have to buy it) have the same complaints but they buy it anyway, and likely, so will you. The AutoDesk shaft is behind you. Bend over, it will only hurt for a little while.

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Same here. I have got many CAD-dealer's mail, email and phone "threats" that my opportunity to upgrade is running out at the turn of the year.

Maybe refusing to upgrade it is partly due to some sort of market "saturation" too, I'm perfectly happy with my Acad 2k in a 300 MHz PII Win98 box.

I can do all the designing (in 2- and 3D) that I need to do with these antiquities.

I ordered an Acad 2004 Trial CD and there are not really any really new fancies I would shed my sparce coins for.

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I thought the batch converter goes the other way only, Paul. Are you sure?

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Michael Bulatovich

Paul is correct, you need to have a 2004 product installed to use the converter, it is not a stand-alone application.

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Chip Harper

Yes. ___

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Paul Turvill

Well, that's a gesture at least......

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Michael Bulatovich

I suppose ... it lets the upgraders be magnanimous toward the holdouts. ___

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Paul Turvill

All of the money I've spent on 'upgrading' (?) AutoDesk I should have thrown in the blender with some Vodka. At least a hangover is temporary. I made the major mistake of upgrading from R14 Softdesk S8 HVAC to 2002 w/Bldg. Mech. - what a MAJOR mistake. Have dropped AutoCAD/Autodesk from our list of needs or wants. We won't spend another dime with them. They no longer serve the designing community the way they used to. We need to look else where.

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