OT-Hollywierd Fact or fiction?

There will probably be some openings in the political arena as well. We will always need veterans-- to run against draft dodgers (and lose.)

John Kerry and Bob Dole are two examples, just to show I'm non-partisan on this topic.


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Virginity as a virtue? Does that mean anybody who engages in sex is bad? Boy, that's one sick ethical code you have there. :/

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The Watcher

No vet from any war sees themselves as heros. Perhaps some Remington Raiders do..but they dont count.


"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats." -- P.J. O'Rourke

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Yes. My point exactly. The real actors of yesteryear, when everything was perfect, and we all were polite to each other, and kids had RESPECT, Dammit!

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I missed the staff meeting but the minutes show Gunner wrote back on Mon, 02 May 2005 07:21:18 GMT in misc.survivalism :

The running refrain seems to remain, I wasn't no hero, but I served with some who were.

tschus pyotr

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pyotr filipivich

I missed the staff meeting but the minutes show Gunner wrote back on Sat, 30 Apr 2005 09:22:48 GMT in misc.survivalism :

Both of these men had lucrative careers in the movies _before_ the war, put aside the Glamor to go into the service. Yeah, I'm sure there was a certain amount of "You're so and so, The Movie Star!, and you're _here_?" but it was their duty. I like what Niven is reported to have said on the beach at Normandy. Something to the effect of "Forward lads, you'll only have to do this once, but I'll have to do this again with Douglas Fairbanks."

tschus pyotr

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pyotr filipivich

| >but all I keep hearing is the same old thing. As a matter of fact, the | >_exact_ same old thing. >>SNIP>SNIPSNIP

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carl mciver

Its the Symbolism......laugh laugh laugh

Dear Friend,

No one voted on Election Day to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But President Bush is now claiming a mandate to do exactly that.

Congressional leaders are pushing for a budget bill that would turn America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife into a vast, polluted oil field. The U.S. Senate has already passed a budget resolution that would open the Arctic Refuge to oil drilling.

But to complete its assault on the refuge, Congress must still pass two different budget measures. We urgently need your help to prevent passage of any final budget agreement that includes Arctic drilling.

Please go to the NRDC Action Fund website

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right now and send a message telling your U.S. senators and representative to reject this sneak attack on the Arctic Refuge.

And please forward my message to your friends, family, and colleagues. We must mobilize millions of Americans in opposition as quickly as possible.

Don't believe for a second that the president is targeting the Arctic Refuge for the sake of America's energy security or to lower gas prices at the pump.

President Bush knows full well that oil drilled in the Arctic Refuge would take ten years to get to market and would never equal more than a paltry one or two percent of our nation's daily consumption. Simply put, sacrificing the crown jewel of our wildlife heritage would do nothing to reduce gas prices or break our addiction to Persian Gulf oil.

But if the raid on the Arctic Refuge isn't really about gas prices or energy security, then what is it about?

It's the symbolism.

The Arctic Refuge represents everything spectacular and everything endangered about America's natural heritage. It embodies a million years of ecological serenity . . . a vast stretch of pristine wilderness . . . an irreplaceable birthing ground for polar bears, caribou and white wolves.

It is the greatest living reminder that conserving nature in its wild state is a core American value. It stands for every remnant of wilderness that we, as a people, have wisely chosen to protect from the relentless march of bulldozers, chain saws and oil rigs.

And that's why the Bush administration is dead set on destroying it.

By unlocking the Arctic Refuge, they hope to open the door for oil, gas and coal giants to invade our last and best wild places: our western canyonlands, our ancient forests, our coastal waters, even our national monuments.

This is the real agenda behind the raid on the Arctic Refuge and the entire Bush-Cheney energy plan: to transfer our public estate into corporate hands so it can be liquidated for a quick buck.

Please go to the NRDC Action Fund website

formatting link
and tell your senators and representative they have no mandate to destroy the Arctic Refuge. Then please be sure to forward this message to as many people as you can.

And thank you for speaking out at this critical time.


Robert Redford NRDC Action Fund

"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats." -- P.J. O'Rourke

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One hopes its practised by all those of a like mind.

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IF. If frogs had wings.....

My comment was soley in regards to wingers & neocons in control.

Quote: The neocons & wingers were not in control with their endless lies? Unquote.


Rick Bowen TSRA Life Member lex talionis.

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'Don't know about wingers and neocons. I suspect they would have done the same thing, making them winger/neocon wars.

In other words, calling them "democrat wars" is about as stupid a comment as you can make. The party of the presidents at the time had nothing to do with whether the country went to war, unless you think that Republicans would have just rolled over and surrendered.

I find that unlikely.

Have you been taking lessons from the Gunner-bot?

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress


Good to see your keeping busy these days.

As to me, I'm actually kinda starting to enjoy it again, (it had all become such a damned ratrace)......

I'd been busy mostly with a single customer that had kept upping their production rates...much of what *could* have been profit was being spent instead in purchasing new machinery, etc. just in order to keep up...and in reality, I wasn't pocketing any more cash than I am now (sans two ex-employees and the whole bit)....I'm *almost* as busy as I'd like to be, I think....and at least all of the machinery is paid for....

My wife and I also operate a small plant nursery, and I hadn't been able to put nearly as much time and effort into that business as I would have liked to over the past few years....now that's changed, and I'm currently working on setting up an area along our county road frontage for retail plant sales...Iv'e darned near finished building a small structure that I had started and then abandoned almost five years ago....

It's nice to be finally getting back to what *I* wanted to do, instead of simply having to do what my customers demands would dictate.

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So the wingers & neocons were in control of FDR. Yes/No? Simple question. Simple answer.

Rick Bowen TSRA Life Member lex talionis.

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There WERE no neocons then. And the wingers in those days were the type that pissed in their pants and fired their shotguns at ghosts while howling at the moon. So of course they weren't in control.

But that isn't what you said. What you said was that WWII was a "democrat war." Which means that you don't think Republicans would have had the guts to fight.

I disagree.

-- Ed Huntress

Reply to
Ed Huntress

The original poster that I commented on said the wingers and neocons were in control of WWII.

Were the wingers and neocons in control of WWII?

Yes or no.

You only have to answer with one word.




No other words needed, or frankly, wanted.

Were the wingers and neocons in control of WWII? Yes, or no.

Rick Bowen TSRA Life Member lex talionis.

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Of course not. Neocons didn't exist, and wingers were howling at the moon. That's what I said in my last message.

Were the democrats the only ones who would have fought WWII? When you called it a "democrat war," you sure seemed to be saying that.

Yes or no. One word is all that's necessary.

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

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