OT-Hollywierd Fact or fiction?

Hey, busy, yeah, editing by day, writing by night. About the day job: This week I'm editing a couple of things, including a lengthy piece about a product from a big pharma company, for the treatment of...erectile dysfunction. Now, you know about those products, you have to get pretty specific when you're writing patient information about them.

Anyway, the writer of the piece, a pretty 24-year-old woman who could easily be my daughter and who sits right next to me, is the source I have to use for fact-checking. So here's this 57-year-old male editor, doing his fact-checking and editorial review with a 24-year-old *child*, fer chrissake, about a piece she wrote about erectile dysfunction.

She's playing is perfectly straight. 'Looks me right in the eye, tells me all about it, and doesn't even crack a smile. She's telling me about the role of the prostate, blood pressure, the whole works. I don't know what they make kids out of these days, but it's some very cool-running stuff. I want to tell her that she could cure erectile dysfunction just by walking into a room, but I'm on good behavior.

The other resident of the editorial office is a 54-year-old woman who has by this time bitten her lip almost through, she's grabbing tissues at a rate of about four per minute, probably to stem the flow of blood, but she has her back to us so we don't see her face.

Anyway, the 24-year-old gets up and goes to the lady's room (I think she pees standing up -- she gets back to her desk awfully damned fast) and, once she's out of earshot, the 54-year-old woman editor and I let it out, we're howling like a couple of idiots, and I actually slide off my chair and wind up on my hands and knees laughing like a freakin' lunatic. We don't say a word because we have to pull ourselves together before the young lady gets back. 'Can't let 'em see you sweat, ya' know.

Sigh... That's what I've been doing. I gotta tell ya', Sam, the ad biz is loaded with some of the best-looking women you've ever seen. They've taken over the business. And it makes getting up to go to work every day just a little bit brighter.

You should talk to Dobie Dave about that. He's leveraged owning paid-up machines into a strong, niche angle on business. Seriously.

'Sounds like a good life. May it continue.

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress
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You still couldn't do it in one word.


(See how simple that is.)

It wasn't a democrat only war. But it sure was Democrats in charge. Not neocons or wingers as the original poster SAID, not implied.

Rick Bowen TSRA Life Member lex talionis.

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We invaded Spain?

John Martin

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John Martin

Which time?

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

Oh, you mean I misspelled Grenada. Guilty. d8-)

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

Sure I could. But why would I want to? Because you demanded it? Here's my answer to that in three words: Go f*ck yourself.

Getting closer?

I wasn't asking him. I was asking YOU what you meant by "it was a democrat war." Most people mean it was the fault or credit to democrats (by which I assume you mean Democrats), depending upon your point of view.

It is neither. It's just a coincidence of history.

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

Sorry to be so picky, Ed, but, as a writer, I'm sure you appreciate how a little something like that can lend a whole new meaning to things. Not as much fun as a post a while back about the McCartney Era, though.

John Martin

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John Martin

Sure, I get paid to get those things right. But not here. Nobody pays me. I get a little loose of discourse, as Thomas Jefferson once said about a famous letter he wrote.

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

Yep, & it's fun or was until you told us what you are doing for a living now with all the cute chicks all over :( Damn I better go drink some more sulphur oil (cures everything you know) ;)

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That's one thing that wore me down about the machining business. Nothing to look at. If you work in a New York publishing office, or in the ad biz or almost any other part of commercial media, you get a whole different outlook. There were a couple of young female editors at AM who, if I took one to a machine shop for an interview, would absolutely stop work DEAD as they walked through the place.

You don't realize how starved those guys are until you see the scuff marks on their chins after one of those walk-throughs.

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

Whenever you say something like that I feel like you've got a towel around your neck and a styptic pencil in your hand, waiting for the bell to ring so you can give me a pep talk and stop the bleeding. d8-)

-- Ed Huntress

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Ed Huntress

I mark my shop territory by flinging surfer oil with my lathe and mill onto my self and the walls.

This lead to super models hanging around the shop trying to get a date with me.

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Clark Magnuson

I mark my shop territory by flinging sulfer oil with my lathe and mill onto my self and the walls.

This lead to super models hanging around the shop trying to get a date with me.

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Clark Magnuson

I mark my shop territory by flinging surfer oil with my lathe and mill onto my self and the walls.

This lead to super models hanging around the shop trying to get a date with me.

Reply to
Clark Magnuson

I mark my shop territory by flinging surfer oil with my lathe and mill onto my self and the walls.

This lead to super models hanging around the shop trying to get a date with me.

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Clark Magnuson


In article , Cliff wrote: #>Could the internet ever have been invented under #>Chinese rule?

# It was invented in France, right?


# CERN & all of that ...

Completely erroneous. Google-up the words DARPA and BBN, creators of what became Arpanet, which became the Internet.

Can anyone really be so consistantly wrong?


Reply to
Ken Marsh

Ed Huntress wrote: >

Are you reason challanged? H e didn't name these people as communist, he named them as taking the fifth! And for good reason, too!

These people, who worked for the government, were summuned in secret sessions, told the situation as to why the committee believed they knew about communist in the government, and then questioned, and if they took the 5th, you think it's bad that McCarthy noted publically that

83 people said that they would not testify about communist in government because it would incriminate them?

Too bad your commie agents were so stupid as to take the fifth. That you have government workers being asked if they new about spies, and take the fifth, indicates a problem in government, doesn't it? You can't prosecute, but you (meaning a loyal American, and not an America hater like you) sure as hell don't want to give them security clearances! It means you'd better have an investigation, too.

And no, McCarthy didn't identify them as communist - you're lying. He just pointed out that when asked if they were communist, they took the fifth.

The people who did not take the fifth never had their names revealed.

Mary Jane Keeney and Gutavo Duran WERE communist. Your concern for outed enemy agents is touching. What McCarthy was doing here was damning the State Department for taking steps that allowed and empowered the Communist to take over China, steps that McCarthy called "traitorous actions". He didn't specifically call them all traitors, though it was clear that some of them were indeed, working for the Communist party and using the power of the United States to bring about communism in other countries. McCarthy did NOT out them as communist, as you claim. He outed them for helping the communist enslave the people of China.

First of all, so what if he shared that information with a senate committee. He IS a senator, after all. This did not "out" them, as their names were not made public.

Secondly, 57 of the 81 were major communist, as identified in the Burns letter regarding State Department security investigations. So much for your "most" claims. The other 24 the evidence was such that it made them suspect, and they needed their clearances pulled, *as determined by the State Department*.

The Senate was interested because it demonstrated how infiltrated the State Department was filled with your communist buddies.

Oh, stop with your commie bullshit. The only person he NAMED AS A COMMUNIST was indeed, a communist.

And you remain confused even to this day.

How dumb can you get! I pointed out that McCarthy was not a member of the house, which leads any rational person to the conclusion that he could not be a member of the HUAC, and you gibber on, seeming under the impression that the House Un American Activities Committee was a senate committee?

Or do you even have to disagree on things that can't be disagreed on?

No wonder you want the state to take care of you, it's pretty clear you lake the smarts to do so yourself.

Reply to
Stuart Grey

What do you do, Stuart, make a compost pile of these messages and wait until they turn black before responding? I hardly remember this conversation.

My recollection is that you said McCarthy could NOT have named communists, because he wasn't on the House Un-American Activities Committee. I pointed out that it was the Senate committee that named 83 of them. Now you seem to be spinning off in some other direction.

Take your composted messages and go see if you can get something to grow in them, OK? I'm not following some whirling dervish around the barn.

Hasta luego.

Reply to
Ed Huntress

The difference between witches and communist is that communist exist. There really may BE communist in the government.

You leftist managed to slander and lie about McCarthy and convince people that there were no communist and Soviet agents in the U.S. Government. We know now for a fact that there were.

That being so, one has to ask, why are you still lying about it being a "witch hunt" (which implies that there were not) and, more importantly, since we didn't root out the commie bastards back in the 1950s because of a well planned commie propaganda campaign, why would they commies be gone now?

Indeed, this is explains why people in Hollywood, the news media, and our educational system as well as in our government are much farther to the left than the general U.S. population. Thinking men know this. Liars like you try and cover it up, and tell really lame propaganda to cover for you commie buddies.

Debate, is a game. To play this game, you take the side you advocate, for whatever reason, usually selfish, and you try and convince other people that you are right and your opposition is wrong.

Many debaters use various tactics that are know to be fallacies. One of them is to misstate what their opponent said, and then attack the misstatement. It is the opposite of understanding, it is a method of lies and deception. Hopefully, the third person will mistake the lie for what the other person said, and accept the liar as offering the better reason.

People who use this method on usenet snip out large portions that would incriminate them as intentionally misstating. Note that damn little of the context of what I said has been preserved by Huntress.

Truth is not found via debate, however. One reason is that both debaters may be liars. Those who seek truth want to understand BOTH sides. If the truth is more important than, holding a popular or "nice" political view, or wanting to fit in with the popular conventional wisdom, or simple cowardice in the face of an ugly reality, you will never get to the truth.

Those who know the truth do not "debate". It is not a game. Most people believe what they want to believe, for what ever reason, and lack the capacity to question and reason.

Ed is not interested in the truth. Nor is Cliff. They want to debate, and they are using tactics that a child could spot.

Humm. Yeah. You'd have to read where I quoted you. In context. Like all those parts you clipped out to respond with this post. LOL!

That's not what I said. It was very easy for you to read what I said both times. I would try a third time, but I think you're a liar, and you'd just lie again. I don't know your motivation, but I know you're not letting go of it to seek the truth.

And I pointed out that they were not named as communist, they were named as having taken then 5th Amendment protection against self incrimination when asked about evidence that they know about communist and Soviet agents in the state department.

That's different. It was done to raise the issue of why are there people with security clearances in the state department who have such a poor background investigation that they have to take the fifth when asked about communist and the agents of a hostile government in our state department.

YOU concluded that they were communist. That just so happens to not have been far from the truth, but it was NOT what McCarthy said they were.

Lots of bullshit in your post, but all that grows in them are lies and oppression.

Reply to
Stuart Grey

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