Saddam's cat

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Stewart Schooley
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Stewart Schooley vient de nous annoncer :

You think this photo is funny? Saddam was a monster, that's ok... But remember me how much people were killed with him, and how many since the second war in Iraq? If you don't have the information, here it is: more than 300.000 death and even more wounded persons... When shall we have the pleasure to see a stupid image with Bush's cat?

Reply to
Flying Frog

To answer your questions:

  1. Yes it is funny.
2.Your figures are accurate but as for those in Iraq who are Islamic terrorists... not nearly enough are dead.
  1. Probably not till long after we see Chirac's.



Reply to
Hub & Diane Plott

May I add my amen to the above (:>

Reply to
Count DeMoney

Here's yer cat-fight:

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Choose a letter, step through the galleries, and let the fur fly...

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You think this photo is funny? Saddam was a monster, that's ok... But remember me how much people were killed with him, and how many since the second war in Iraq? If you don't have the information, here it is: more than 300.000 death and even more wounded persons... When shall we have the pleasure to see a stupid image with Bush's cat?

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Hub & Diane Plott a couché sur son écran :

Before the second war, there was no Islamic terrorists in Iraq...

Ok! I'm ok to hang him myself! lol

Reply to
Flying Frog

Andy a émis l'idée suivante :

I never say I'm proud about French Foreign Politic, but when I answer to someone, I have have at less the courtesy not to offend him. On the other hand if offends me, I have no reason to be kind with him.

If I am not proud of French Foreign Politic, I recognize however that France is far from having supported so many dictators that the USA did (and does), shot down so many rising democracies to settle bastards in the head of bloodthirsty regimes. France did not make either Ben Laden and Al Qaida, etc....

Then my small son of bitch, I fought in the Middle East, in the Chad and in the Lebanon, helped to evacuate some american people which pissed ofbecause the fear in their trousers while you vomited your tepid beer in a pub, hidden well far from there. So you keep your insults of surrender in your underpants, that will make at least something which fidgets in this place!

Reply to
Flying Frog


2 points to my froggy buddy!
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I'm not piling on against the French - but there was that little gift of Vietnam France gave the US, when we may have otherwise backed Ho Chi Minh.


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Le [Jour] 18/01/2007, WmB a écrit :

This history is more complicate than that, but you are not wrong. Indochina, and later Viet-Nam was an enormous bullshit, like all the colonies. My opinion is each people need to be sovereign in his own country.

Reply to
Flying Frog

The US was instrumental in making sure that Indochina was given back to the French after WWII. Ho Chi Minh was a hero fighting against the Japanese to that point. With the French withdrawal, it was an American decision to take up arms for Viet Nam or not. Can't blame the French for that, realistically.

For a really amazing what-if, how about if the US supported and rebuilt a US friendly Republic of Viet Nam in 1945 instead of supporting a colonial power? I would be most interested in hearing Chris's (flying frog) opinion on this.

--- Stephen

Reply to
Stephen Tontoni

Stephen Tontoni vient de nous annoncer :

Well Stephen, I really don't know. Like I wrote it, I think all colonial powers are crime against humanity, French one like the other ones. So, for me, Indochina had no reason to exist like that, but only with a status of free country.

Reply to
Flying Frog

Well yeah, I didn't say they held a gun to our head - but if I recall my history correctly the French (and the British) were pretty damned adamant about re-establishing their prewar control over their territories. At a time when the US was coming to the realization that nationalization was ultimately unavoidable - cite, Philippine indpendence.

So I make the point that the US deferred to its most recent and traditional ally in France, rather than acting in its own national interests immediately after WWII. I realize the equation is little bit more complex than all that, and I would not wish to portray US motives as completely sterling and lacking any self-indulgence, but for the immediate future after WWII, Indochina was for the most part a French problem of their own choosing - that the US would soon inherit when a decade later Vietnam became for all intents and purposes the southern shoulder of the Asian firebreak against Cold War communist expansion.

The original criticism I replied to was that the US has made some strange bedfellows over the years to the point other countries, like France, have much cleaner hands. I say - not so fast. Sometimes we lie in beds, if others did not make, they certainly had a hand in arranging the furniture.

French Indochina.


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Le [Jour] 18/01/2007, WmB a écrit :

Ok, thanks

Yes, I know that, but the word "terrosriste" and "terrorisme" (easy to understand, English words are the same except the "e" ) at the endwere created during WWII to speak about French guerilleros. We called these people "resistants", they called the same ones "terroristes".

Yep, true. In Limousin, my region, it was not only in 1944... they died there all along the war. In savoy also, and in general in regions with mountains. People of these regions are used to hard life, not like in the cities, and they wasn't afraid to suffer to kill all the enemies they can, to free their country. They was used to eat just a few (or no eat during some days), walk long times in hard conditions, to not sleep, etc... Their head are harder than that of any Nazi soldier... ;-)

No, just "heros ordinaires" (common heros) like we say here, that is normal people who were obliged by the life and to remain human beings, simply , to act in hero.

Yes, right. However, I do not forget that some French have acts exactly similar in Algeria. I am nevertheless a former paratrooper, but I do not admit that soldiers can worse than animals, by forgetting what means word "honor"!

I hope that.. but I'm not sure... Too many ultra-nationalist movments in Europe today... The future seems really dark there.

Reply to
Flying Frog

I thought it was Spanish, from a 'little war'?

Reply to
Tim Vincent

Tim Vincent a couché sur son écran :

Yes it is, but this word is also now in a lot of languages. In France we use "guerilleros", "guerilla", etc...

Reply to
Flying Frog



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Hub & Diane Plott



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[no original text]

Oooo, stinging rebuttal there, e-tard!


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Ed Pirrero

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