Gunner's Status

Well, you almost quit the easy way, please try the hard way now. It is more your style ;)

Hope you mend fast,


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Damn, Gunner, sorry to hear about that, the problem that is, not the fact that you survivied it. :-) Maybe now you'll give up smoking and all those bad habits (like THAT'S going to happen). Here's hoping that you make a full and speedy recovery.


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Jim Chandler

Gunner Asch wrote: What if you find out later that they lied to you and that was the

Gunner, I heard tell that the pain and healing in the leg can be a bigger problem then the splitting you open like a turkey.

They have you coughing a lot also, that's what they had my Mom do when she had open heart surgery.

Best of luck for a speedy recovery.

Best, Steve

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Roger that! I did too. Cheer up, you're already thru the hard part

-- the first 3 days, during which you had plenty of other distractions. I went cold turkey, no patches or Chantrix or any of that stuff. I hear the urge to smoke is pretty much gone after 13 years or so.

I still miss it now and then, but only for fleeting moments no big deal at all. Fitch quit over 20 years ago, said this summer that if he heard a meteor was going to destroy the planet tomorrow he'd go buy a pack of smokes.

I sure DON'T miss going outside for a smoke when it's skatey-eight below zero or raining all day.

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Don Foreman

Enjoy the time you have to just hang around the house and do nothing. If you start posting daily updates about "All My Children"'s time to get back in the race. I recommend the judge shows, you can really see what liberals are doing. It scares me that the TV signals go into space and are being watched by aliens, they will think the whole human race is like that, not just the liberals.

My friends at Mill-Rose Brush here in Cleveland are developing a line of brushes to clean arteries in addition to their other medical brushes.

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They do some neat shit over there! Imagine a miniature body-grinder and cup brush digging away at the plaque in your heart's arteries! Maybe bypass surgery will be a thing of the past and everybody will owe their lives to brushmakers!

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Hey Gunner: Sorry to hear about your ticker problem. It does sound a bit like mine. Running 5 miles/day had quit smoking a few years before, after coming back from a dive trip in the Yucatan and a hike to 11,000 in the Sierras, I was doing my run and found just a little stickiness in the chest which would mostly go away after a cough or two. The cough continued and I went to the Doc to see if I had picked up a lung infection in the Yucatan.

90% blockage. Angioplasty took care of that, but 15 years later triple by-pass was needed. I've never had any symptoms that I could even remotely identify as heart related. BTW they took a vein from my left arm instead of the leg. Recovery was quick and easy. No real pain anywhere. Even where they used the brush hook to open the chest. Yep I got my flight physical back by doing stress tests where my heart rate was pushed beyond 160. BTW again your fix on my Victor lathe is still holding good enough for this amateur metal worker. Thanks again. Just remember when you smoked you smelled like a stale ashtray. That helped me. Have a fast recovery.
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Stuart Fields

I'd probably do the same thing. It would break my record of 23 years with out a smoke though.


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I had a 'frozen shoulder' fixed in August. Two months later I was finally able to draw my trusty Bowtech Liberty again. Dang, you get rusty after eight months without practice.

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J. Nielsen

I don't know.

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That's the exact same sort of nonsense you wrote after your previous raid on a hospital's budget. You didn't follow through then, and I'd be shocked if you do so now. After all, there's little incentive for you do the right thing, since you have no ability or intention of paying for your own care no matter how much your behavior worsens your health.

That's some kind of hilarious sig considering the situation at hand. Although I'm guessing that in your mind, you're overflowing with common sense, such as posting about a lifetime of smoking and then trying to pretend that smoking hasn't anything to do with your health problems. Or posting a decade-long treasure trove of damning personal details, and then filing a lawsuit in a low-life attempt to milk health care providers. Heck, their lawyers are probably liberals who couldn't possibly have the common sense to google you, eh? Here's your only chance of getting some dough out of your situation: sell tickets to the discovery sessions.


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Do you think it's "responsible" to indulge in a time-consuming Usenet hobby, detailing all your latest acquisitions, while telling your docs that there's no possible way to pay them back in this lifetime? Do you think it's responsible to profit and add to the cost of health care by suing your providers? Do you think it's responsible to have *ever* smoked? Your first heart event was supposed to be your wakeup call. Do you think it's responsible to keep right on smoking after that? Your situation is barely different from the octuplet moron's. Neither of you can afford the cost of your treatment, yet both carry on with the same stupid behavior. At least diapering is more productive than someone with a disastrous personal situation spending hours every day lecturing about what everybody else is doing wrong.


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Didn't see that one, but I believe it based on all the other threats that he's made on Usenet. For example:

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gummer, whenever he's losing a debate, he starts making threats.


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That's our boy Gunner. Some months back I took a couple weeks break from usenet. One of our trolls got lonely and posted to ask where I was. Gunner came back with the strong suggestion that he talked to a few people and had me killed.

Gunner, all mouth, no balls, no brain. As a solution to political of philosophical debate he will always offer to punch or shoot it out to see who's right.

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"She's been talking about having babies since she was 15."

Doesn't sound very Democratic, certainly not liberal; sounds very Republican.


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Runner is not so nice (but I STILL don't wish him harm).


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Yeah, right.

I'll file that lie right next to your claim for a negative proof...

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Curly Surmudgeon

Wishing him karma absolves you.

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Curly Surmudgeon

Then gunner lies claiming to have "killfiled" his opposition. Except that he slips too often replying anyhow.

It's a pattern, a form of trolling, hurl invective, insult, lies to get a rise out of people then duck the return fire.

Cowards do that.

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Curly Surmudgeon



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Curly? They should have named you Shimp, you are the stooge that nobody really likes. :-)


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